Wineries of Anapa

Wineries of Anapa

The Black Sea coast has long been famous for its vineyards. Archeological excavations show that winemaking existed on the territory of Anapa even before our era. In recent years, vineyards have begun to be revived in Anapa, family wineries have been built and thousands of people in love with this product have been attracted from all over the country. In the vicinity of Anapa you can find several wineries, each of which offers a unique line of wines, including rich dry and sweet wines.

Particular attention is paid to creating unique wines from grape varieties such as Pinot Franc, which emphasizes the high standard of quality maintained by local farms. Modern wineries in this region offer outstanding discovery options that combine winemaking traditions with elements of gastronomic tourism.

The sunniest city in the Krasnodar region is Anapa. That is why there are more and more wineries in Anapa, the gross grape harvest is increasing every year, the total amount of grapes collected in 2022 was more than 40 thousand tons, +38% more than in 2021. In addition, experts claim that Anapa is among the leaders in planting young vineyards.

Anapa has a unique terroir and climate that allow winemakers to cultivate about 100 varieties of technical grapes used for wine production.

Classic varieties are popular among winemakers: Pinot, Riesling, Sauvignon, Merlot and others, as well as unique varieties of local selection: Krasnostop Zolotovsky, Krasnostop Anapa, Dzhemri.

Anapa became the first city in Russia where the status of vineyard land is enshrined in the general plan. More than 30 thousand hectares of agricultural land are reserved for the vine. Also, the land tax for plots for the development of viticulture was practically zeroed out.

The development of the industry is actively supported by state support measures, which are actively used by farms. All these factors attract investors, including large ones.

Today, there are about 4,700 hectares of vineyards, of which 30% are young, planted from 2018 to 2022. The volume of state support for 2021 amounted to 24 million rubles or 42% of all subsidies allocated to agricultural producers in Anapa.

56 farms are engaged in growing grapes in Anapa; the goal is to restore the area of ​​grapevines to 11 thousand hectares, to the level before the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

It is noteworthy that many inverters come from the Urals and Siberia and realize their dream: first they farm for themselves, then create mini-wineries, receive licenses and enter the market.

Statistics and information: 05/30/2023 “Beautiful” wine is made in Kuban: how winemaking is developing in Anapa  

Picture: Abrau Durso website

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